Saturday, March 17, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

Personal Childhood Web

Mother My mother is the oldest of 6 siblings. She was the first one in her family to go to college.  My mother believed in my brother and me and wanted us to have the very best family life. Education has always being the esstinal part of her life. She has a welcoming sprit to others and always willing to give a helping had. My relationship with my mother in my teen was very hard because we are so alike in personalities. Despite disagreements my mother did what she had to do to make sure I was successful in school. I use to hate to go to speech classes and taking several test that in my mind classified me as stupid.  I thank her now for doing what a mother should do for their child. She focused on my gift and my ability to dance. She put me in dance classes which helped me to better in school. I can go on and on about the survivor and every day now that I have three kids of my own I understand how wonderful of a mother she is.
Father My father is the oldest of six he was the first to go to college. My father was the first Black football coach in a high school in my home town. My father was a very strict father and believes in creating a plan before I can ask for anything I would have to have a plan of how I was going to get this items or complete the task. My father also was an enteruner that involved in several different businesses. I started helping  my dad in business very early by helping him sale house by doing open houses as a hostess. My father I feel raised my to be very independent and gave me the capability to get the job done in a timely fashion.  
Grandmother: My mother’s mother was the one person that I wanted to be like. She was Elegant, strong and had the ability to make every body laugh and smile. She was a loyal church member and loved to wear church hats. She had her on personal style. My Grandmother was a made for several years and my father was a bartender. My grandmother was a great cook. I think she's the best cook I know. She had a garden she walked miles everyday and she stayed healthy and fit. I love everything about her. She taught me mother rules that I use everyday. She made sure she made time for herself; she loved her family and always welcomes others to have a sit and eat a piece of cake.  If I am half the mother she was I will be doing pretty well. And she worked and raised six children, they always had three meals and fresh flower and vegetables on the table.  
My Three Aunts:  Brenda, Anita and Grenea these were my other mothers.  The have helped and support me in good and bad times. Going up they always made me feel like I was one of the sisters not a niece. When I was growing up my aunts where in college and they would take me on campus let me stay in there dorm room. This experience once again reinforces the importance of education and having children around education environment. Now that I have children of my own I have a wonderful support group from my aunts.  Rather a large or small support group has that positive enviornment help develop me as a mother and the importance of having positive people around my children.  


  1. Renea,

    Your famiy sounds like they have paved the way for your successes in life. Your parents are both one of six so they must have shared quite interesting stories of their siblings. I share your expressions for the love of a grandmother as mine was quite influential in creating the woman in me today. I had aunts, but they never seemed to take a serious interest in me growing up. It was only in adulthood that I got to develpp relationships with them as a woman. I always find it interesting when people have aunts or uncles that they can speak fondly of and who have had an impact on their development. I wish I had more and better experiences with other women in my own life as a child.

  2. Renea, The fact that you are working on your Master degree, provides evidence that your father’s expectation that you have a plan developed a great skill in you. I could envision the strong women in your life, as you gave them such character in your story. I appreciate the hospitality you described in your grandmother’s home. My grandparents lived on a farm and I had that same sense of welcome in their home. We didn’t have cake, but my family is known for making fruit pies. The farm had orchards and for twenty years my mother had a pie shop.

  3. That was amazing to read that your father was the oldest of six children and the first to go to college. I am the oldest of six children and the first to go to college as well.
